CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL When it comes to autoimmune disease and other chronic health conditions, taming inflammation is the name of the game. This can be difficult because the body creates vicious cycles where inflammation keeps feeding more inflammation. This makes halting the progression of autoimmune disease and chronic health issues difficult…but not [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL One of the primary things we look for when someone has autoimmunity is leaky gut, a condition in which the intestinal wall is damaged, as it is usually a key factor. Autoimmunity is an extremely common disorder today in which the immune system attacks and destroys part of the [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL BPA (bisphenol-A) is gaining recognition as an undesirable toxin that people now try to avoid in plastics, particularly water bottles. But it's harder to avoid than you think – research shows handling those seemingly innocuous store receipts quickly raises blood levels of BPA. BPA on store receipts Store and fast food [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Autoimmune disease has become frighteningly common today. This degenerative condition, which can affect any tissue in the body or brain, happens when the immune system attacks and destroys the body as if it were a foreign invader. Chances are either you or someone you know has an autoimmune disease. [...]