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Common household chemicals are toxic to your health


It's amazing how toxic the standard American household is. Chemicals that are toxic to the brain, immune system, hormonal system, liver, and more are in virtually every household and body product used by the average person. When seeking to improve your health, it's important to "go green" and use  non-toxic  house and body products.

Check out the effects these products have on the human body:

Dish soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, skin creams, etc.: The fragrances in these products contain  phthalates   which have been shown to lower sperm counts, cause early puberty in girls, raise the risk of cancer and lung problems, and harm the organs. Go for unscented versions of these products or those made with essential oils. You can also make your own  household cleaners  very easily and cheaply.

Spot removers, upholstery and carpet cleaners, and dry cleaning solutions: These products contain perchloroethylene, or PERC, which is toxic to the brain and increases the risk of cancer. Go for non-toxic stain removers and dry cleaning services.

Antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers: These products contain triclosan, which was first registered as a pesticide. Triclosan promotes the development of drug-resistant bacteria, is a carcinogen, and disrupts hormone regulation. Wash your hands with a non-toxic soap and look for a non-toxic hand sanitizer.

Fabric softener liquids and sheets: These contain quats, or quarternary ammonium compounds. Quats are another type of anti-bacterial compound that promote drug-resistant bacteria. Quats are also linked with respiratory disorders and are well known triggers of illness in those with chemical sensitivities. Vinegar, essential oils, and the use of wool dryer balls are great ways to soften your clothes naturally and prevent polluting the air inside and outside your home.

(Here's a neat tip if you'd like to get the toxic reek of fabric softener or other perfumes out of your clothes: put the item in a bag with activated charcoal for as long as necessary. Activated charcoal is great at absorbing unwanted odors.)

These are just a few examples of toxic chemicals lurking in everyday products most people and their children use. You also have to consider artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives in foods and beverages, which introduces a whole other world of toxins to the human body. Oh, and don't forget chemicals and pollutants in our water and air.

Our environment contains more than  85,000 synthetic chemicals   yet only a handful of them have been tested. Toxins have been linked with the explosion in the rates of autoimmunity and even  autism   which is increasingly being recognized as neurological  autoimmunity.

Toxins are also a problem for the growing number of people dealing with chemical sensitivities, who get sick when exposed to different synthetic chemicals.

Our bodies were simply not designed to handle such a heavy toxic burden, which has been shown to begin in the womb. The best thing you can do for your health and your children's health is remove toxins as much as possible from your life and your budget (so companies take notice) and use natural alternatives instead.

Fortunately, through healthy eating, exercise, spending time in nature, good hydration, and using anti-inflammatory compounds such as glutathione precursors (the body's master antioxidant), we can mitigate the effects of toxins on the body.

Ask my office for more information on how to help protect your body from toxins.

Meet the Author

Dr. Matz DC

Dr. Boyle D.A.C.M., LAc., DiplOM. is the founder of the Holistic Wellness Center of the Carolinas where he is the Director of Functional Medicine. He holds a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine and is acupuncture physician and primary care physician in the state of Florida. His post-graduate focus has been in the fields of functional neurology, functional immunology, and functional endocrinology.

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