CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL We all carry trillions of bacteria in our guts, with as many as a thousand different strains. The composition of these strains, or our “bacterial fingerprint,” can influence whether we are prone to depression, anxiety, or obesity. Some gut bacteria can make you fat Studies have shown people (and [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you suffer from brain fog — that spacey, detached feeling like your head is in a fish bowl? Do you suffer from depression, or does your child have autism? Are you concerned about Alzheimer’s? These conditions are signs of possible brain inflammation, or a brain “on fire.” Although a [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL When it comes to Mother's Day, flowers and brunch are lovely, but what most women need is some time off and help around the house. Catching a break in these areas can go a long way to supporting their health. Most mothers seem to get the lion's share of [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Counting calories, avoiding fats, miniscule portions, living with hunger—dieting is a drag and the majority of people eventually gain back the pounds they fought so hard to lose. Newer research shows sloth and gluttony aren't necessarily to blame for excess weight, but instead inflammation, leaky gut, stress, and other [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL When the sneezing, sniffling, and runny eyes of springtime kick in, most people grab for the allergy pills, antihistamines, and eye drops. But did you know you can greatly relieve if not banish your allergy symptoms by fixing your gut? It may sound crazy that your gut health would [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Modern life inflicts constant assaults on our bodies in the way of industrialized foods, environmental toxins, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and even electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones and computers. Our best defense to protect health is to shore up glutathione, the body's master antioxidant. Although the body [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Question Why did pregnancy trigger my hypothyroidism? Answer Natural immune shifts during pregnancy, together with a genetic tendency and other predisposing factors, can trigger hypothyroidism in some women. Hypothyroidism is an immune disease for most For 90 percent of Americans, hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease in [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Although it's good to exercise regularly, working out too much could work against you, especially if you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. A new study found that older women (ages 60 to 72) who worked out two to four times a week burned more calories each day and found exercise more [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL In Western medicine, cancer treatment is almost unequivocally associated with clinical modalities like surgery and chemotherapy. Holistic options are often the afterthought – the “alternative” choice. But could holistic medicine viably play a larger role in helping these patients? Almost 95 percent of all National Cancer Institute-sponsored integrative medicine [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL If you have been following conventional advice, then you’ve been told to avoid fats to prevent heart disease. Turns out if you want to maintain a healthy vascular system and prevent heart disease, sugar is the target you want to seek out and eliminate. If you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, [...]