CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you fall asleep around 2 or 3 a.m. and sleep until noon? Or do you wake up at 4 a.m. and can’t fall back asleep? Studies show insomnia does more than make the days drag — it raises your risk of dementia [...]
Brain / Functional neurology
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Memory loss and dementia are valid concerns for everyone these days: one in three seniors dies of Alzheimer’s or dementia and Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Fortunately, dementia is largely preventable with many lifestyle and dietary adjustments, one of which is including plenty of [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL High blood sugar is ground zero for chronic disease: diabetes (obviously), heart disease, dementia, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, and hormone imbalances. Testing your HbA1c on a blood panel can tell you whether high blood sugar is setting you up for major health problems. High blood sugar can: Trigger chronic [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Do you feel you need anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications, or has your doctor said you do? Although true depression or anxiety disorders need management, many women are misled into believing they need treatment for what is actually normal behavior. Women are designed to be sensitive to their environments, emotionally [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Botox, fillers, and plastic surgery seem de rigueur these days, with anti-aging spas in practically every strip mall. No longer the domain of celebrities, Botox treatments are more affordable than ever and hence accessible to the masses. But at what price? Some research suggests those regular wrinkle-relaxing Botox shots [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL If you're like most people, you probably have a vague notion artificial food coloring is "bad." You've also probably heard it makes some kids hyperactive. But did you know the science on artificial food dyes is so thorough and damning that they are banned in two European countries, require [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Everyone is familiar with addiction to some degree, whether it's that daily dose of chocolate you can't give up or watching a loved one succumb to drug abuse. Many factors play a role in addiction, but some research suggests loneliness plays a pivotal role in encouraging addiction, and that [...]
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL Even though you can breathe normally your brain may not be getting enough oxygen. Lack of oxygen in the brain is not something the average person can recognize. However it can cause poor brain function and increase the risk of vascular dementia, the second most common form of dementia after [...]